Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Sound of Defeat: Who's Laughing Now?

I'm smiling today.

It feels so good to have an authentic, from-deep-down-inside smile on my face. It's like my heart is smiling, and my face can't conceal it.

Two months ago, my husband and I had walked out of a marriage counselor's office. The decision had been made to get a divorce. She advised us that it didn't seem like either one of us really wanted the marriage. And so, she thought we should get the divorce.

We--both exhausted from the fights, confusion and anger--agreed.

I really didn't want to agree. But, I was too tired to fight. The pain of the past had consumed my heart. So, in my mind, it was time to throw in the towel. Why fight a losing battle?

We had never been at a point this low in our marriage. One day, I'll be able to write about it, but right now, it's still too fresh and because I am thinking of hubby, I must hold back.(But, when I do write it, it's going to be so good!)

So, the decision had been made. And on a muggy Saturday afternoon, we walked out of that counselor's office and drove home together. I remember feeling disgusting. I was sweating and crying. The tears and the sweat had mixed together and there I was--a sloppy, filthy mess. The stains of mascara said what I couldn't, between the silent sobs.

It was over.

My shirt was stained. My eyes were swollen. And while I was silently sobbing, he was simply silent. He was as still as a statue. Not crying. Not talking. Not moving. (But, ofcourse, even though I could barely see out of my sunglasses, I refused to let him drive my car.)

That was the sound of defeat--my sobs and his silence. I was so mad. I felt like it was mocking me. Laughing at me. Defeat: "See what you did? You messed everything up. How does it feel? He doesn't want you anymore."

Those were words from my childhood. They had been buried under all of the layers and there were so many layers, that I could no longer quiet the pain. They were coming up. No matter what.

That night, I received an email with a list of divorce lawyers and I knew that this was it.

"Good. Do what my father did to me. Do it! Leave me!" I refused to be a quiet bystander. He was agreeing to leave me--like so many others had. And that meant that he was my enemy.


Hubby wandered into this church one day--hoping to get some information about their day care. We lived within walking distance of this church but had never paid much attention. I'd like to say that hubby had an over-the-top spiritual experience. But, he did not.

Instead, someone simply reached out a hand--an outstretcheed hand reaching out to a weary hand. It was the pastor--a young guy, about my hubby's age. They seemed to really connect, and he was reaching out.

Hubby went to church for the next month. Meanwhile, I was lashing out. We were basically destroying each other and I am really good at being really angry. I stood my ground. I refused to go to that church. "Oh, please, they are all going to judge me" I screamed at him one day. "Have fun at your little church!"

But one day, God spoke to me. (Oh, man, I wish I had time to write all of this.) He used someone who I was interviewing for the book I am writing and He spoke so clearly. At that point, I began to break.

I realized that I was so angry and bitter and hurt that I had walked away from God a long time ago--sometime after my sister died and sometime before we moved back to Florida from South Carolina.

I was completely numb. And I preferred it that way.

But, God was speaking to me. And so I decided that if He could speak to this sloppy mess of a woman, that I could go to church just once. I snuck into church one Sunday morning in April, and I sat in the very last row.

With my head down, I simply said to God: "Okay, you know what I need and if this pastor talks about healing, I'll stay. Because, God, I hurt too much to go on like this."

I think that the fifth word that came out of his mouth was "healing." And at that very moment, I knew that I would never turn back. I felt like I was a little girl lost in a shopping mall. When she finally sees daddy, she doesn't stroll over to him. She runs.

And that is what I did. I ran to Him like never before and it was like, He knew what I needed. He knew how to respond. And, through a series of people and prayers, He was embracing me.

So today, there is this smile on my face. The tears that I have cried during the last month have been tears of utter disbelief at how amazing God is.

Today, it feels good to have an authentic smile on my face. And it feels so good to hear the sound of laughter replacing the sound of defeat.

So, to defeat, I say: Who's laughing now?


Jenny said...

AMEN my friend! Good for you and hubby! I am so happy and proud that you two are on the upswing.

I don't reference it a whole lot, but Rob and I completely destroyed our marriage about 7 years ago. Then we had an amazing experience separately, then together, realizing that we need to put GOD first in everything, then te rest falls into place.

Our marriage has never been so good as it is now. I have never been so happy and complete as I am now. And I AM SO HAPPY for you and your family that things are going well.


momgive said...

I am so glad that we are still connected after all of these crazy years. Thank you for sharing that. HE IS SO GOOD. Isn't He?!?!

Anonymous said...

Did this just happen this last spring Suzy or was this from before?? I know you were gone for a while but things sounded so good when M went off to firefighter school - I know you struggled after he left being the single mom but wow - what an amazing story. THIS is why I miss your blogs!!! Glad you're back!!!

momgive said...

Oh girl...
This was after he left to fire school. But, it was because we were just kind of holding on from before. Remember? We dealt with it on our own terms, but not on God's terms. And that makes the difference! I'm glad you guys still think enough of me to even want to read all of my crazy blogs!

Unknown said... sounds like this was a wake up call for you and hubby. Its a good thing that God layed out HIS plan for you two and allow things to fall in place just in time.

We forget alot of times who is in control because we are to selfish to see what HE has in mind for us.

I heard this in a movie recently and it had me laughing since it was so true. I wish I could remember what movie it was but this is what they said...." If you want to hear the Lord laugh, just tell him your plans."

God mysteriously works in our hearts, our lives and He always directs our paths. And just when we think He left us, we have to look back and see whose prints are still there. And again, we question why one set instead of two? We know the answer to that. He has NEVER left you...and never will even if at times it feels like it.

Thank you for sharing this blog. It really had a very good insight and inspirational. Quite a good testimony too!

Safe Hugz,
A Mom's Journey

Ashley said...

Your words are powerful and emotional. Your honesty and sincerety has brought me to tears. Keep smiling and leave it all to GOD. He will keep you strong and allow the healing to begin. Forgiveness is the beginning, start with yourself and the rest will fall into place.

Sara L said...

Thank you for sharing. I love you Suzy!