Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cinderella's cool with me.

Lastnight, hubby and I did something really bad.

We made a budget. Now, he delighted in it. But I was in pain during the entire process. We put our bills on paper, and even though I make a decent living, there was a defecit. Ever since he went away for fire school and I started doing the finances, we got off track in a huge way. It was time to get on track ... but for me, what awful timing.

I kept crossing things off of our mean dry-erase board--things that I could go without so that we weren't in the red. But, what really hurt me, was when I got to the line that read: Gala (Little Black Dress.)

So, our church is throwing this black-tie event for married couples and this would have been the first real date for hubby and I in ages. I had the plan for weeks and in my plan, the dress would be my first purchase on pay day. And then I would get the nails done. And then the eyebrows. And maybe even the hair.

However, in hubby's more-balanced world, the little black dress was last on the list. And it quickly became a victim of the budget. I finally scratched it off the board--with almost-tears in my eyes. However, we had already purchased our ticket for $75 and so in hubby's mind: "You have a million things in that closet to wear. Pick one."

Um, no. All of my clothes are a few sizes too small since I lost the baby weight. I have a few pairs of slamming jeans that fit just right. But, nothing worthy of a black-tie affair. It came down to: If I couldn't buy the little black dress, I wouldn't be going.

He was feeling my pain, I think. At work, I needed a pair of those slamming jeans so that I could change after work. And he stopped studying to wash and bring them me. I was tickled pink when I saw that he didn't know which pair was my favorite, so he brought two pairs.

Tonight I was at church when I saw my favorite usher. I love him because he is all grilled up and so on fire for God. (Interpretation: he has a gold grill in his mouth and guess what? He still loves God, lol.) I call his wife Janet, because she looks just like Janet Jackson--but she is about 9 months pregnant. So, we'll call them Usher and Janet.

Hubby had bumped into Usher one night and asked if he and Janet would be going to the gala. He shrugged it off, explaining that, you know, the timing wasn't right for them. (Interpretation: funds were low.)

So, tonight, I kept seeing him at church and thinking, he should really have this ticket for Janet. But, you know, there was that selfish part of me that wanted to be spoiled. I wanted that night of dancing and dinner--even if I had to make it happen. I wanted that little black dress--even if it meant being irresponsible with the money.

I just ... wanted it so bad ... that when I handed my ticket over to Usher, I didn't want to let go.

He had the hugest grilled-up smile and that just made my heart leap. The irony of the whole thing is that I signed up to help clean the church on Saturdays. You know, because I am a crazy woman who hates cleaning in the first place and I love to make myself crazy. So, I'll be cleaning for this event that I won't even get to go to.

On the quiet drive home (two babies asleep in their car seats), I thought you know, who cares if I don't get to go to the ball. I have my prince charming who will stop what he's doing to bring me my favorite pair of jeans. And Janet will get her one last night of fun before giving birth to her first child.

And I will be doing what I hate: I will be cleaning. But, I promise I'll be doing it with a smile on myself. Afterall, Cinderella's always been cool with me. Yeah, I'm embracing the Cinderella theme on Friday night.

And you know what that means? I'll get my little black dress by story's end.

1 comment:

CCusatis said...

What? I didn't know that was the case. Love the post, though. It is so Cinderella!