Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Don't tell my hubby!

This post is secretly dedicated to my hubby. (Ooh la la!)

Since he doesn't get on facebook (and since I have banned him from the blog for six weeks), this will be safe with you, right?

So, many of you know that the past few years (since my hubby and I uprooted our family and moved to South Carolina and smack-dab in the middle of turmoil), we've had a really rough time.
We were hanging on, you know. But, you can only do that for so long. And you can only layer so many things before there is no more room to push them down.

That was me. I had so many layers: my sister's untimely death; bad relationships with men; pain from the past. I mean, I could go on and on and on--just as the layers did. I got to a point where I couldn't quite figure out how to remove the layers and so, instead, I numbed myself. I didn't want to feel them. They were too heavy and I was too fragile.

If I couldn't remove them, I certainly did not want to feel them. And so, I reached out for whatever was around me ... and those things, while a good temporary anesthetic, actually created additional layers.

Today, I find myself finally chipping away at the layers. God is revealing something so beautiful beneath the build-up of the many different layers. But, this time it's different, because I am feeling it. And it hurts and I hate it at times and I've cried more than I have in a long time. Just because I feel it.

I feel her gone, but with a clarity I didn't really have before. I feel the pain that I have caused in my own marriage. And I feel the bitterness and anger that I have allowed to build up in my life during the past few years. But, that pain is also somewhat peaceful. Because I know it is a cleansing, healing, powerful pain.

Pain can be powerful.

So, I said all of that to say this: I have decided to renew my vows with my husband. But, here is the crazy part: he knows nothing about it. It's going to be a surprise. Yes, as in he is going to walk in and bam: let the renewal of the vows begin.

I honestly have no idea how he's going to react. He might run, lol. He might cry; He might blush. Okay, he won't do that because you know, he's a little too dark for that, heh.

But, I am determined to start over; and to do it right. I am determined to fight for what is mine; for this amazing gift that God has laid before me. But, you know, I am also determined to make it really complicated, because that is what I do.

So, can you help?

I don't know what the heck I am doing. I'll actually incorporate any ideas I get into this ceremony, which is going to turn into a dream date. After the ceremony, I am going to whisk him away. I don't have the details ironed out in my head yet. But, I have about six weeks to make it all happen.

Again: Me=complicated.

But, what is a dream date for a man? How can I make this special for him? Any suggestions? At all? Any suggestions for the renewal of the vows ceremony? Come on, give me something to work with.

I know there are, like, 11 people who read this blog. Heh. I like to amuse myself with that number. For those of you who don't know, I once had about 500 followers on my old blog. Yeah, those were good times.


Jessica said...

Read my email through facebook,. there is a reason we saw each other, I can help you make this day as special as you want and I will help with anything I can. I want this new start for you more than anything too, you deserve peace,happiness,laughter,love.

momgive said...

Awww. You are just awesome! I just don't know how I will pull it off in six weeks. Let the planning begin!!

Unknown said...

are you doing this in a church or do you plan to maybe have an outside "wedding".

I think this is a wonderful idea Suzy. I think you are on the right path. You understand where your going and what you want to do and with him.

Renewing in front of family and friends, but mostly in front of God tell all of us of your dedication, your loyalty, your love, your passion, ummmmm what is another positive word...well you know where I'm going here. You are empowering yourself. You want this man, this gift from God to be in your life because you are just deeply in love with him as you are with God.

I think it is going to be a wonderful experience for you and your family, especially for him. I bet he will still "blush" but most of all, all that love he has for you will be pouring out with happy tears and with laughter.

All thumbs up! Go for it! Wonderful idea!

schleina said...

Which number am I? #10? =D

Melissa said...

You need a cake. There's just something about feeding each other wedding cake. A lot of symbolism there too...& you know what they say...the way to a man's heart...

Katherine said...

Hey -I've followed you for quite awhile - just don't comment much. Found you via Girl from Florida first and was connected b/c my families make-up is like yours (multi-racial) and it goes from there. I'm on facebook as your "friend" and just wanted to say I love your blog and your life stories - they are real and heartfelt and that is what connects people.

Anonymous said...

Hey sis, this IS a good idea. Just be careful how you do it. After months of fire college, his ideal situation might be to RELAX. Renewal of vows might be stressful, and you know that most guys don't find sharing their emotions to be an easy thing. If there is too much surprise, he may feel out of control and like the situation is forced on him. You can still keep the mystery and some of the surprise by hinting that you want to do something special to celebrate.


sportsmomx3 said...

Suzy...I finally found you again! I really want us to get together and spend some time together so we can really get to know each other...We see each other and know each others kids but, we really don't KNOW each other. I think that we will probably have a lot in common. I know that we are both REALLY busy but, we all eat dinner...Anyways, I think you are really dedicated to making things right with your husband and I am sure that he will be appreicative of all of your efforts!

momgive said...

Thanks for all of the wonderful comments ... and especially from my brother! I appreciate all of the insight!

Christina: How do I get in touch with you? Let's get the fams together, finally, one day and do dinner--or better yet, a BBQ at our place.