Saturday, July 18, 2009

Did someone just say 'Prince?'

I am sitting here, right now, in the middle of the gym with my tiny laptop at my finger tips. I am starting to feel sticky now after a 26-mile cycle class. Those 26 miles were a total accident. I had no idea I'd be hitting it that hard. My goals was do do three miles today--on the treadmill.

Instead, I walked by a small crowd of eager women--waiting for the next cycle class; and I thought, "Hmm ... that's got to be at least three miles. I'm in."

(I have exactly 11m inutes left until I have to get my four kids for childcare, so I'm making this rather quick.)

So, about five minutes into class, I was (admittedly) a little annoyed with Ms. Instructor. Why is the music so low? I kept thinking. I mean, cycle class usually means a hard-and fast-workout with hard-and loud-music.

Instead, we had a hard-and-fast workout with hard-and-low music. (Who does that? And why?) But, I thought, I can't be the obnoxious new girl with a list of demands. (Okay, just one.) So, I said nothing. Until, I just needed the music. I needed it.

It's a part of the experience. And so, I turned to my sweaty neigbhor and asked her, "Do you think the music needs to be a little louder?" "Yes!" she quickly replied.

I realized that everyone was probably thinking the same thing, so I said what was on my mind. "Can we crank the music up a notch?"

"Oh, you want it louder?"

Ummm ... yeah.

And she cranked it up, by exactly one notch. Yes, just one.

I figured out that I'd probably need to plan my classes around instructors. I want the loud-music lady--whoever that happens to be.

Sometime towards the end of class, we had one last 'round' to go; and Ms. Instructor said "Who wants what? Prince? bleh-bleh-bleh?"

Okay, I couldn't really understand what she had just said. And so, I quickly blurted out--in much excitement: "Prince!"

When what she had actually just asked the class was: "Who wants what? Sprints? Jumps?"

"What? Sprints? Is that what you what?"

"Yes. Um, Sprints." (Yes, that is exactly what I just said. Prince who?)

And so we ended the class with some low-volume Ozzy instead of some hot, loud Prince.

Oh well, I did 26 miles--without Prince; and with Sprints. Yeah, something like that.

Oh, look, I have three minutes left to pick up the kiddos. See you in about three days, unless something fascinating happens in my life.

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