Friday, May 29, 2009

Hell on Heels

I haven't worn in heels in forever. So, this morning when I slid on my skinny jeans and my crisp, white blouse (and after hubby told me I was looking skinny), I was feeling a little sexy. Well, sexy can sometimes lead to trouble. My day was in. sane.

It began around 10, when I glanced at the clock and as I was looking down, I caught a whiff of something. My shirt smelled like mildew. "Oh, ugh, this must have come from that pile." You know, the pile that my hubby left in the washing machine--for like days. I was in such a rush this morning that I hadn't even noticed the stench coming from my bright, white blouse.

And once something bothers me, it bothers me a lot. I lose my focus and there are these little thoughts dancing around in my head. You know: like that girl in marketing is looking at me funny because she thinks I stink. LOL. Well, I had a secret little stash. Betty Boop to the rescue.

See, last week, I threw on a t-shirt and in my late madness, I threw on (white-trash) Betty. Don't get mad. If you saw what it looked like on me, you'd be saying the same thing. But, when I got to work, I realized that Betty looked hoochie. And so, my wonderful hubby braved a rainy morning to buy me a non-hoochie shirt. So, Betty was still in the drawer. But, I was wearing heels and jeans.

You all know that tight-black Betty Boop+high heels=hooch, right? I just couldn't do it, but I eventually found another little stash. Yeah, I apparently have them all over. It was a long-sleeve button-up blouse that I couldn't stand sometime in December.

After taking off the mildew shirt and tossing Betty back to the curb, I was feeling better. But, just for a moment, because the rest of my day was an editing nightmare. (I'm an editor and things were falling apart in one of my magazines. More like my client was a diva and I just couldn't deal with her).

After work, I picked up the babies. And about two miles down the road, the truck stalled. And then it died. I had just run out of gas. "Are you frickin kidding me?" I called hubby, whose phone was off becasuse he was in EMT school and it was his testing day. I was so, so mad. A girl-cop pulls up and semi-helps me, but ends up leaving me there in traffic with a crying baby and a toddler.

"Screw it," I say. "We're walking." The baby yanked my gold necklace off of my neck and I just started bawling. The tears were streaming down and I knew my face was probably bright red under my dark black sunglasses. I knew I had about 10 miles ahead of me, but I was just so mad that I had to move.

About a mile down the road, a kind stranger stopped me. (Okay, he was a police officer) And he gave us a ride home. By the time I opened the door, I just wanted to fall down. My feet were covered in blisters and hubby was still nowhere to be found. I was so mad and with no one there to allow me to vent, I had one thought: THE BLOG. Oh, yes, THE BLOG IS BACK. Thank God for Hell on Heels, I guess, huh? Thanks to the evil heels, the blog is back.


Anonymous said...

I love your evil heels...but only because THE BLOG IS BAAAAAAACK! Woo hoo!

Oh, and I hate that mildew smell too. Hate it, hate it, hate it!

Jenna said...

So glad to have you back. I have missed your writings!! Keep them coming please.

Gina Ferrara said...

MomGive is giving me what I need at 11:30 at night, when I feel as though I have not much left to give. Thanks man!

Amy Comesanas said...

I too hate that mildew smell but I'm usually the one who left the laundry in the washing machine b/c hubby doesn't do laundry. On days like that I just tell myself "things could be worse."

momgive said...

Gina: That means so much to me! I must say that I am tickled pink that people want to read what I have to write. I'm so glad that some of you stuck around in the midst of all my randomness. Feels SO GOOD to be blogging again!! SO happy to have eight followers in just two days.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh the mildew smell.... happens all the time in our house- I start a load before work and ask hubby to dry... only it's still ehere when I come home.

I am so happy you are blogging again Suzy!